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England Netball Need Your Support

England Netball has received reports that some of our Voting Members* haven’t received the recently circulated paperwork for the England Netball EGM on Saturday 25th March 2017. These will have been addressed to those listed below, so please check within your Organisation.

To help you out, we’ve posted it on MyNet – under ‘Document Downloads’ for ALL MEMBERS to download.

If you have not received postal notification then you can download a proxy voting form from Mynet.

You should also have received supporting information from EN by means of a video and presentation and FAQ’s.

Even if you cannot attend the EGM you can still vote by completing the proxy form and returning this to EN by 10.00 am on Thursday 23rd March 2017. State on the form how you wish your vote to be used – for the proposal or against the proposal.

EN has explained in their communication why they need to increase membership fees and the benefits of being a member of EN. They need your support.

We urge you to use your vote and to support England Netball.

*Definition of Voting Members;

Notice is given to the following Members of the Association, who may appoint a representative to attend, speak and vote on their behalf:

  • Each Club – represented by an “Accredited Deputy”, that is a person who is appointed by resolution and is a voting member of the Club they represent.
  • The Honorary Life Members Club – represented by an authorised representative
  • Each School paying the higher rate subscription – represented by a current member of staff
  • Each County and Region – represented by the Chairman or Accredited Deputy

Notice is also given to the following who shall be entitled to attend and speak, but not to vote:

  • Honorary Life Members as individuals (the Honorary Life Members Club will be entitled to attend and vote as a club in its own right – see above)
  • Each School paying the lower rate or no subscription – represented by a current member of staff (i.e. Primary Schools)
  • The President
  • Board of Directors (the Directors of the Company)
  • The Association’s Auditors